Are you ready for GP Connect?

CareLineLive is rolling out integration with GP Connect which enables read-only access of a service user's GP record. Read about whether you are eligible here.
Dec Norton
13th August 2024

We’ve been hard at work over the last six months working on integrating GP Connect with CareLineLive. You may find it to be an invaluable tool if you’re providing direct care in England.

Integration with GP Connect allows authorised health and social care workers in England to access their patient’s GP records, such as problems and issues, allergies and adverse reactions, medications, and more. GP Connect may only be used for Direct Care purposes.

There are a few different types of GP Connect integration, and we’ve chosen to implement “Access Record HTML”, but what is it?

  • Allows read-only access of an individual’s GP record (the only level of access that a care provider would be allowed with any software provider)
  • Supports a restricted access mode, allowing non-clinical professionals to view a subset of the record


Once enabled for your environment, a new GP Connect tab will be available within each client’s record. You will be required to nominate users that will be allowed to open GP Connect, and provide their professional registration information if they are permitted to access the full GP Connect record.

Finally, you will be asked to capture evidence that the client has consented to their GP record being accessed. This can be captured through a new tool within CareLineLive: Client Choices.

Client Choices allow you to record any decisions made the client with regards to their care, including who authorised the decision, who supported them in making it, and any supporting documents (i.e. a signed agreement).

After many years of home care provider frustration in liaising with GPs and other health care professionals, GP Connect has the potential to be service changing impact positively on outcomes for people using services.

Who can use GP Connect?

There are a handful of important requirements that your organisation must adhere to in order to access GP Connect:

  • You must be CQC registered
  • Your organisation (and each site) must be registered with the Organisation Data Service
  • You must have a current “standards met” NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit assessment
  • You must be ready to sign the National Data Sharing Agreement for GP Connect

How can I start using GP Connect?

We’re starting to gather interest for a pilot scheme for CareLineLive’s GP Connect integration, with access starting from the end of September.

If you’d like to take part, please register your interest using the form below:

Submit Details


  • Can I use GP Connect if I’m not in England?

No, you must be both registered with the Care Quality Commission and NHS England in order to access GP Connect.

  • Can I access GP Connect if I’m not a clinical professional?

Yes – however without an appropriate professional registration you will only have access to a subset of the information available.

  • Where can I read more about GP Connect?

The NHS Digital website has information about who can use GP Connect, how to use it, and other important information.

  • Can I access GP Connect before we’ve started delivering care to a client?

No, GP Connect can only be used for Direct Care purposes.


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